I was writing my tattooed girl WIP from the last tease, when this SNI decided to make itself known. I'm still unsure about how I feel on it, and it's probably full of spelling/grammar errors, so beware of bad writing.
::Edit:: I should probably mention that, yes, I was in band camp. It wasn't a schmancy sleep away camp, just regular, old, sweat-your-butt-off-in-the-sun-all-day camp. And yes, I was a majorette. No, we weren't the super sexy, confident girls. No one is sexy in a high school parking lot after marching back and forth for eight hours a day mid-August. But we did twirl batons, which is pretty cool in it's own right, even if it only lasts for four years and you're still kind of a geek for it. Who doesn't love cute, obscenely short uniforms though?
::Edit:: I should probably mention that, yes, I was in band camp. It wasn't a schmancy sleep away camp, just regular, old, sweat-your-butt-off-in-the-sun-all-day camp. And yes, I was a majorette. No, we weren't the super sexy, confident girls. No one is sexy in a high school parking lot after marching back and forth for eight hours a day mid-August. But we did twirl batons, which is pretty cool in it's own right, even if it only lasts for four years and you're still kind of a geek for it. Who doesn't love cute, obscenely short uniforms though?
I'm not sure "band camp" would elicit quite as badly rolled eyes if it wasn't for those American Pie movies. Band was huge in my high school. Although I wasn't a part of it (I was a choir girl), all of my friends were in band. I figured it was pretty cool. Their band camp was just them practicing marching at the high school the last month of summer vacation, though. No real camp for them.
Loved this. The dialogue is the best part about your teaser - rapid fire and entertaining!
Yay for band camp! I'm already a Grim groupie ;)
Yay for auxiliary!! I was in color guard (or, the ones who twirl the flags, since I guess other schools call them different things) all through high school :)
Agreed with Glen about the dialogue, it's great fun here
This is a good start. I'm definitely getting a feel for the narrator.
Great voice!
I have a soft spot for Girl Scout camp, myself.
And, yeah, the American Pie movies ruined band camp for everyone.
I like the relationship with the mom. It's nice to see a son getting along with his parent. :)
Ah band camp... It's too bad that American Pie sort of ruined that line. Anyway... Loved the dialogue!!!
Loved it through and through. And I saw no spelling/grammar errors other than "BUT the most beautiful girl". Then again, I suck at grammar, and my spelling has a mind of its own.
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