Monday, June 28, 2010

Tease from something new...errr..old

I'm completely rewriting one of my old manuscripts, which is the most exciting and frustrating experience ever, so I just want to thank you all for being supportive and saving me from headdesking on a regular basis. You won't recognize this scene, but if you recognize the characters, you get brownie points for reading this blog for so long. Also, that picture is from my Blackberry (read: brickbreaker device) as proof that Boston can be beautiful on occasion.



Karla Calalang said...

I remember this! And I am so so jealous of your beautiful writing! I'm so glad you're taking another look at this WIP because it's totally awesome. Wasn't this called 365 or something? :D

Unknown said...

You know I love this scene! I will be getting to the others you sent me (hopefully today) as long as the crazies stay away! lol

Anonymous said...

WOW! I absolutely adored this. I could totally 'see' this scene in my head. The descriptions are absolutely beautiful. You seem to be doing great with your rewrite!

Phoebe North said...

Absolutely beautiful.

Also, Nena!

Brianne Carter said...

"I'm completely rewriting one of my old manuscripts, which is the most exciting and frustrating experience ever"

Is it ever. Good luck, though you don't seem to need it, because this is a GORGEOUS, vivid scene. So poignant, too. Incredible work.